Herbarium ZAGR is a part of the Department of Agricultural Botany of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb. The Department was established shortly after the establishment of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry on October 1st of 1919. After the Faculty was split into the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Forestry in 1960, the Department served both Faculties for some time. Until 1969 it operated under the administration of the Faculty of Forestry, and afterwards it was established as an independent Department of Agricultural Botany.
The scientific research and expert activities of the Department of Agricultural Botany are focused on floristic, morphological and anatomical research of various cultivated and autochthonous vascular plants of the Croatian, Balkan and Mediterranean flora. The most significant are the research activities dealing with flora and vegetation, which primarily refer to the grassland and weed vegetation, as well as to the succession stages of the grassland vegetation. We also investigate potential new localities, endangered habitats and the general distribution of rare and endemic plants in Croatia. Within the floristic studies, the Department is involved in the flora mapping of the Adriatic region and continental parts of Croatia. Within broader taxonomic and plant systematic research activities, including morphological, anatomical, cytological and molecular (phylogenetic) aspects, special attention is paid to certain plant genera, endemic and rare species of Croatian and Mediterranean vascular flora that bears wider botanical significance. Part of the Department's scientific research refers to morphological and molecular diversity of forage species in order to maintain and preserve the diversity of plant genes in banks, and their in situ and ex situ protection.
- Establishment of collection of cultivated plants in Herbarium ZAGR
- Digitalisation of Herbarium ZAGR of the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb
- Genetic diversity of Centaurea ragusina L. – conservation and protection of genofond
- Ethnobotanical research of traditional usage of wild growing plants on Ćićarija
- Research of traditional usage of wild growing plants of Kršan County
- Vascular flora mapping of Gornji Kamenjak: pilot study
- Vascular flora mapping of Gornji Kamenjak: pilot study 2
- Rare plants of the Adriatic region
- Conservation of grassland and pasture plant diversity of Ćićarija Mt
Employees of the Department of Agricultural Botany with Herbarium ZAGR, as a part of the Faculty of Agriculture, are scientists and experts in floristics, taxonomy, plant species diversity and are trained for providing following scientific and professional services:
- flora and vegetation mapping,
- taxonomic and biosystematic studies,
- morphological and anatomical research,
- plant naming and identification,
- development of environmental studies and assessment of the condition of plant diversity,
- exchange of herbarium samples,
- exchange and providing samples for molecular studies,
- mentoring of students research projects.
Assoc. Prof. Sandro Bogdanović, Curator

Research specialty: taxonomy, systematics, flora, biodiversity
Discipline: taxonomy, floristics, molecular systematics, nomenclature
Plant groups: Allium, Limonium, Campanula
Geographical area of speciality: Croatia, Balkan, Mediterranean
e-mail: sbogdanovic (at) agr.hr
tel.: +3851 239 3835
Full Prof. Mihaela Britvec

Research specialty: flora, anatomy, morphology
Plant groups:
Geographical area of speciality:
e-mail: mbritvec (at) agr.hr
tel.: +3851 239 3838
Assoc. Prof. Ivica Ljubičić

Research specialty: flora, grassland vegetation, habitat mapping, GIS
Discipline: floristics, ecology
Plant groups:
Geographical area of speciality: Croatia, Mediterranean
e-mail: iljubicic (at) agr.hr
tel.: +3851 239 4029
Assoc. Prof. Dubravka Dujmović Purgar

Research specialty: floristics, morphological and molecular diversity, ecology, weeds
Discipline: floristics, morphology, molecular diversity, ecology of habitats
Plant groups: Trifolium, Medicago, Arrhenatherum,
Dactylis, Rubus, Fragaria, Vaccinium
Geographical area of speciality: Croatia, Balkan
e-mail: dpurgar (at) agr.hr
tel.: +3851 239 3836
Assoc. Prof. Ivana Vitasović Kosić

Research specialty: flora, vegetation, ethnobotany, feed value of grassland species
Discipline: floristics, phytocenology, ecology, ethnobotany and ethnoecology
Plant groups:
Geographical area of speciality: Croatia, Istra, Dalmatian islands, Mediterranean
e-mail: ivitasovic (at) agr.hr
tel.: +3851 239 3808